My top ways to keep your weight, mood and hormones in balance

What if there were some simple habits we could adopt to help ourselves lose a bit of weight (if we need to), supercharge our energy levels and balance out our hormones — for good?

There are! Here are the things I guide my clients through to make staying lean, energised and in balance a way of life.


  1. Cut the snacking

    Our bodies need time between meals – constant snacking can impair motility of the gut, keep insulin high and if your body is always using energy for digestion, it has less energy to direct to other things like the immune system or cellular repair.

  2. Eat more veg

    Veg should be a dominant feature in your diet – particularly as we could all do with eating more fibre. Aim for the rainbow, and don’t forget you can always be experimental with herbs and spices in your cooking.

  3. Focus on real food

    If you can't read the ingredients, your body likely can't either. Keeping your cupboard stocked with healthy staples is key because you can almost always whip something up.

  4. Reduce sugar

    Instead, get your sweetness from fruit, root vegetables, and if you need the occasional treat – focus on the more natural sources of sugar like maple syrup or dates.

  5. Change your internal dialogue

    Saying 'I don't want this' is far more empowering than saying 'I can't have this'.

  6. Set behaviour goals

    For example, if you’re someone who tends to emotionally eat following stress, a behavioural trigger could be finding a positive way to reduce stress. If you’re only setting weight-related goals but you’re stress-eating every day, the latter is what you really need to address in order to get to the outcome you want.

  7. Eat around your menstrual cycle

    Ladies – research into co-ordinating your diet with your monthly cycle. It can be very effective when it comes to dealing with symptoms of PMS and boosting energy levels.


I know it’s not easy to implement all these tips in one go, which is why it’s important to smart small, but be consistent with it! That’s how you’ll see the change happen.

Yasmine Say